
Sunday 3 July 2011

Random tag

I saw this tag on and thought i would jump in that bandwagon!

What is bothering you right now?

Getting bit panicy about Berlin always do before a foreign trip.....esp a school one. worried about money and my love life

Do you like celebrity magazines?
I do guilty pleasure I am afraid, my dad always takes the mick of me

When was the last time you were ill? Why?

I suffer from depression had a really bad bout not so long ago

Do you feel you belong in a different era?

Yes, in a different place, time, EVERYTHING! I would like to belong somewhere don't really feel I do anywhere really

Who owns you?


Favorite country in Europe?
Wales everytime

Did you skive off school?

i would sometimes pretend to be ill, never pretended to go to school and didn't turn up though, my parents would have killed me

Ever played an instrument?
Violin and Piano...................badly! Would like to play the cello, always wanted to!

Favorite alcoholic drink?

A nice pint of cider!

Do you follow fashion?

Well I usually know whats in fashion, if i like it i follow it if I don't I don't!

What colour are your eyes? Do you like that colour?

Very very dark blue, a lot of the time I look like I am all pupil

What is the furthest you have travelled from your home? How far was it?


What is the coldest temperatures you have experienced? Where were you?

-13 in poland, I took some kids to Auschwitz concentration camp it was freezing but I think the pyschological factor made it 10 times worse.

What is the hottest temperatures you have experienced? Where were you?

Im guessing Florida......mind you soent a summer in Athens that was HOT

Imagine you have three wishes. List them. (A million more wishes doesn't count)

Um for my mum, dad and nan to be 10 years younger, for health for all of us, to forge sucessful relationships
Are you keeping a secret from the world?

oh yes ;)

If you could go back in time and give advice to yourself ten years ago, what would you say?

Travel now and dont waste time being afraid, learn to manage your money

How have you changed in the past 10 years?

Yes, in so many ways!
Is abortion wrong?

No, i personally think it is much worse to bring an unwanted child into the world. It annoys me when people say it is an easy option, although I have never had one I din't think there is anything easy about it.
Do you like long train/car journeys?

I get bored but I am not bothered by them

Have you ever considered writing a novel?

100s of times, have many first paragraphs written! never got any further.

Have you ever punched someone in the face?

Nope never had a physical fight and would like to keep it that way please!

What is your worst trait?

Whining! Being a martyr! Being lazy! Taking things for granted and not appreciating what i have! Oh dear this could be a long list!

What is your sense of humour like?


Are you a good person?

oh god I don't know, its one I think about a lot!

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I love a good comment me! Thank you very much G Unit xxxx