
Friday 12 August 2011

What a week!


Oh my what a week! I am completely confused by the whole weeks events with the rioting and looting spreading from London to Manchester, Birmingham and Bristol! I just cannot believe this is happening, what is going through these kids minds? Where are their parents?

I hae been following these stories pretty closely during the week and was quite interested in last nights question time.What really made me cross was one of the speakers (can't remember his name) said that state schools must take some responsibility for the rioters!!!! a teacher in a state school I would like to point out the following

Children are ultimatly a parents responsibility. If parents cannot discipline their children how are schools expected to wave a magic wand

A lot of parents do not support schools. Look at the parents of some of these children, taking them to court then swearing at the media, not taking thee things seriously, do you think they are going to support the school?

 If  a child comes from a home where discipline is not enforced how can anybody expect the child to accept discipline from schools.

The government have reduced the number of  pupil referal units, these are like gold dust so students who need to be in them are unable to be, there are simply too few units and places

Schools are fined for permanently excluding pupils - doesn't send a good message to other students or families, to a teenager this will look like there is no consequence for poor behaviour.

The Government has cut teachers power over students, we have very few ways of sanctioning poor behaviour.

I undertstand the above are generalised and are just my views on the situation


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I love a good comment me! Thank you very much G Unit xxxx