
Monday 30 May 2011

8 things

My first ever tag! How exciting!

Got tagged by Lisa-Jane of Been watching her blog for soooooo long way before I started my own.

So here goes........

8 TV shows I watch

1. Miranda
2. Desperate housewives
4. The only way is Essex
5. Friends
6. Silk (when it was on)
7. Sex in the City
8. The Simpsons

8 favourite places to eat....

1. La Tasca
2. our local Scream pub (very basic tastes me)
3. Any good Indian
4. Any good Chinese
5. HaHa
6. Bella Italia
7. The kebab shop after a night out
8. Sofra

8 things I look forward to

1. Summer holidays
2. Being out of debt
3. cycle holiday tomorrow
4. Going travelling again
5. Becoming more balanced
6. starting dating again
7. Seeing the girls at home
8. a night out the first week back of school

8 things on my wishlist

1. A new car
2. being out of debt
3.a healthy relationship
4. more confidence
5. a sausage dog
6. trips abroad
7. less cellulite
8. a horse

8 things I'm passionate about

1. Sausage dogs
2. my job
3. mental health issues
4. my friends
5 my family
6. travelling
7. theatre
8. reading

8 words or phrases I use a lot

1. F*&K (sorry to say my language is terrible)
2. There we are then
3. I'm waiting (teacher talk)
4. If you waste my time I'll waste yours (more teacher talk)
5. sorry....what (terribel habbit of not listening)
7. Bare with......bare with...... (a new one taken from Miranda love that show)
8. hmmmmmmmmmmm

8 things I've learned from the past

1. Eating helps whatever the issue
2. If you need to cry then cry
3. smile
4. life isn't fair (still fighting this one)
5. You will get through it....whatever it is
6. Your mum is awesom (so yours dad but your mum is your mum!)
7. an eyebrow wax can make a hell of a difference
8. Don't drunk text....delete their number before you go out!

8 Places I would love to visit

1. New York
2. Bali
3. Figi
4. New Zealand
5. Portugal
6. Thailand
7. Calafornia
8. Paris

8 things I want or need.......
(these are definate wants I don't really need anything)

1. To be happy
2. More clothes
3. That 'thing' which makes you socially successful and part of a group
4. More money
5. For my parents to be ten years younger
6. Bigger boobs
7. a boyfriend
8. thicker hair

8 things I love about winter

1. Fairy lights
2. party dresses
3. Christmas shopping
4. Parties
5. the food
6. coming home from work and it being all dark outside
7. boots
8. going home for christmas

xxxxxxxxxxx Can't really tag anybody so anyone who sees please do this! xxxxxxxx


  1. ha ha I had to laugh at bigger boobs lol

    You are a TOWIE fan then, I watched it a couple of times its so cringeworthy but you just get a bit gripped by it.


  2. I got massively obsessed by it...after asking why anybody would watch it for several months! Can't wait for the new series, actually that could have gone on my 8 things i love about winter list!



I love a good comment me! Thank you very much G Unit xxxx